Thursday, November 25, 2004


1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)
You're under arrest! ;
(For what?)
For stealing my heart

2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?

3. are your legs tired?
( girl: Why?)
because you have been running through my mind all day!

4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?

5. Can you give me directions to your heart?
I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.

6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);
She would say ; What are doing
& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.

7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)
I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.

8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?
She answers.
Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...

10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,
and & die on your lips.

11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.

12. Are you lost?
'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.

13. Do you believe in love at first sight,
or do I have to walk by you again?

14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.

15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.

16. You can forget about going to heaven because it's
a sin to look that good.

17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen

Psycho Test........!!!

A story about a girl - This is a genuine Psychological Test. Read carefully!

While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, she believed him to be so much her dream guy, that she fell in love with him, but never asked for his number and then.......couldn't meet him.

A few days later, the girl killed her own sister.

Question: What is her motive in killing her sister?

Give this some thought for a while before you scroll down. Your first thought is what counts here.

Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in this test and answered it as indicated above.

If you didn't answer correctly -- good for you

If you got the answer correct, Then.............!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


"Have you been guilty of looking at others your own age and

thinking...surely I cannot look that old? Read on...this is funny.

While waiting for my first appointment in the reception room of a new

dentist, I noticed his certificate, which bore his full name.

Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name had

been in my high school class some 30 years ago. Upon seeing him, however,I

quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the

deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate. After he had

examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the local high school.

'Yes,' he replied.

'When did you graduate?' I asked.

He answered, 'In 1971. Why?'

'You were in my class!' I exclaimed.

He looked at me closely and then asked, 'What did you teach?'"

Hope :)

Received this from a friend...

Here is a short story on motivation

There are two donkeys A & B - best of buddies. At the village fair A is
sold to a rich Arab while B is sold to a rich businessman.

The Arab treats A like his child takes good care of him etc. etc. While
the businessman ill treats B, does not feed him well and makes him work

After few years A & B meet and have a chat.

A is very sad about B and says that "My Arab can buy you from your
business man and you can have a good life too" B says, "No, I have hope

A: "What Hope?"
B: The businessman has a beautiful daughter, and when she misbehaves the
businessman tells her - "If you continue misbehaving I will marry you
off to this donkey!"

That's how hope drives u ?!!!!! :-)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

(Puzzle) Colour of Bear

In a remote place on the globe, there is a small, house having, 4 windows, each window being placed on each wall, but all the windows face south direction. An hungry bear comes to that house and peeps through the window, possibly to search for hunting any prey. Now what is the colour of the bear?

Scroll down for answer...


The only place where all four windows placed on four walls, facing the south direction, is North pole. Hence the bear should be polar bear and therefore its colour should be white.

(Puzzle) The missing dollar

"Three friends, sharing a single room in a remote sea-side resort, make an advance payment of $10 each. While they are checking out, the owner of the lodging house charges $25 and ask the room-attendant to give back the balance $5 to them. But the dishonest person, pockets $2 himself, and gives back $1 to each one of them. Now every one of the three friends had given $10 originally and gets back $1, thereby incurring an expense of $27. Adding this to $2, pocketed by room-attendant, does not tally with $30. Why? Where does the dollar disappear?

Scroll down for answer........

Actually the dollar is not missing or lost. Only our thinking mind is 'lost'. Since the $27 contains $25 as rent and $2 as pocketed by room-attendant, where does the question of adding again $2 with $27 and expect it to become $30? Now the following equations will make you more clear: $25(rent) + $2(pocketed amount) + $3 (amount got back) = $ 30 $27(rent+ pocketed amount) + $ 2(pocketed amount) SHOULD NOT = to $30 as we are adding the pocketed amount 2 times. Hence the confusion. Got it?"

(Puzzle)Mysterious suicide - Easy

An inspector breaks open a room, bolted from inside, finds a body of a man hanging from the ceiling. The dead man is too short a person to do the hanging from the ceiling and there is absolutely no other thing available except some sheet of water on the floor. How could he have committed suicide?

Scroll down for answer...


'Well', another good puzzle. Have you ever wondered how come the presence of water inside with no containers? If your thinking mill grinds on this score, you could possibly find it out! To cut the long story short, the man committed suicide by climbing over a largepiece of 'ice' and reached the ceiling. After that the ice melted into sheet of water. Got it!!